For the state of virtue is the restitution of the soul's powers to their former nobility and the convergence of the principal virtues in an activity that accords with nature.
Nikitas Stithatos.
Remember that animal burrow in my front yard I blogged about earlier? Well, I've been watching that area, and it's a cotton tail bunny rabbit. He only comes out well after dark (I didn't know rabbits were nocturnal.), so this (below) is the best picture I could get of him. I had to take the picture from the front porch, which is about 15' high and about 100' from the bunny, and it was pitch dark. I used a spotlight on him, but that didn't help much. It's not a good picture, so I found this one (right above) on the internet that looks a lot like him.
I'm glad it's a rabbit and not a fox or groundhog or armadillo.
by St. Nectarios Plagal First Tone (Tone 5) Refrain: Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and fleece which is all dewy More radiant than the rays of sun/ and higher than the heavens Delight of virgin choruses/ superior to Angels. Much brighter than the firmament/ and purer than the sun's light More holy than the multitude/ of all the heav'nly armies. Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
O Ever Virgin Mary/ of all the world, the Lady O bride all pure, immaculate/ O Lady Panagia O Mary bride and Queen of all/ our cause of jubilation Majestic maiden, Queen of all/ O our most holy Mother More hon'rable than Cherubim/ beyond compare more glorious than immaterial Seraphim/ and greater than angelic thrones. Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
Rejoice, O song of Cherubim/ Rejoice, O hymn of angels Rejoice, O ode of Seraphim/ the joy of the archangels Rejoice, O peace and happiness/ the harbor of salvation O sacred chamber of the Word/ flow'r of incorruption Rejoice, delightful paradise/ of blessed life eternal Rejoice, O wood and tree of life/ the fount of immortality. Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
I supplicate you, Lady/ now do I call upon you And I beseech you, Queen of all/ I beg of you your favor Majestic maiden, spotless one/ O Lady Panagia I call upon you fervently/ O sacred, hallowed temple Assist me and deliver me/ protect me from the enemy And make me an inheritor/ of blessed life eternal. Rejoice, O Unwedded Bride!
(Source and translation: Holy Nativity Convent, Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
Original Greek text Text of Αγνή Παρθένε copy pasted from
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε. Και κλήρονομον δείξον με, ζωής της αιωνίου, Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
(In the Roman alphabet below.) Agni parthene Despoina,ahrante theotoke Here nimfi animfefte Parthene mitir anasa,panedrase te poke Here nimfi animfefte ipsilotera ouranon aktinon lamprotera Here nimfi animfefte hara parthenikon horon aggelon ipertera Here nimfi animfefte eklamprotera ouranon fotos katharotera Here nimfi animfefte ton ouranion stration pason ayiotera Here nimfi animfefte Maria aeiparthene kosmou pantos kiria Here nimfi animfefte ahrante numfi pannagne Despoina Panagia Here nimfi animfefte Maria nimfi anassa haras imon etia Here nimfi animfefte kori semni vasilissa mitir iperagia Here nimfi animfefte timiotera herouvim iperendoxotera Here nimfi animfefte ton asomaton serafim ton thronon ipertera Here nimfi animfefte here to asma herouvim here imnos aggelon Here nimfi animfefte here odi ton serafim hara ton arhaggelon Here nimfi animfefte here irini kai hara limin tis sotirias Here nimfi animfefte pastas tou logou iera anthos tis aftharsias Here nimfi animfefte here paradise trofis zois te eoinias Here nimfi animfefte here to xilon tis zois pihi athanasias Here nimfi animfefte se iketevo Despina se nin epikaloume Here nimfi animfefte se disopo pantanassa sin harin exetoume Here nimfi animfefte kori semni kai aspile Despina Panagia Here nimfi animfefte thermos epikaloume se nae igiasmene Here nimfi animfefte antilavou mou,rise me apo tou polemiou Here nimfi animfefte ke klironomon deixon me zois tis eoniou Here nimfi animfefte~
What if you had a $100 gift card to the music store of your choice, what would you buy??
Well, I dunno. I'm not that much of a music person, but I do love to sing, so I'd look for something vocal. The thing is that I like the old stuff from the 1940's and 50's--the crooners. So, it's off to for me.
"Perry Como - All-Time Greatest Hits, Vol. 1"
Perry Como Greatest Hits 1943-1953
Very Best of Bing Crosby
An Evening With Andy Williams : Live From The Royal Albert Hall (2007)
The Legendary Crooners - Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Perry Como (2007)
I Wish It Could Be Christmas Forever
Dean Martin - All-Time Greatest Hits
This is harder than it seems. I cheated and got a DVD in there. The total for all this is $100.38, but I got FREE SHIPPING.
I was listening to a podcast from Ancient Faith Radio on "Resilience and the Canaanite Woman." The V. Rev. Fr. George Morelli Ph.D. gives a series of podcasts reflecting on the traditions, prayers, and liturgy of Eastern Orthodoxy with a goal of healing mind, body,and soul. In this particular podcast, Fr. George discusses the importance of "resilience" or "stubborn persistence" in continually turning to Christ for help and mercy. He makes the point that we are to persist stubbornly even when we feel that Christ does not hear us, even when (like the Canaanite woman) we know that we don't deserve His mercy, even when trouble follows trouble in our personal lives, and not to give in to despair; thinking, erroneously, that we should just give up asking for help if no help seems to come.
I would like to make my own comment on this theme of not giving up when we feel that no help is coming. Imagine a life in which your every whim and care were automatically provided for you. Soon you would become accustomed to a trouble-free life of ease. You would not even be aware that trouble existed. However, we do have troubles in our lives. These troubles, instead of leading us to despair over being "left orphan" and uncared for, serve to constantly remind us of our weakness in our physical natures. They lead us to continually turn to Christ praying for His mercy and help in our lives. If we were never aware that we needed help, we would never ask for it. So, when troubles come, instead of thinking, "Oh, no, not again!" Let it serve to remind you that you are not the autonomous, powerful, independent person you think you are; that you need to continuously persist in praying for help. If I do not know my weakness and incompetence, I cannot grow; nor can I have any faith, because it is just when we must depend upon God for help, that we learn faith.
For myself, I find that I tend to just want to give up "beating my head against a wall." I find myself thinking that Christ doesn't care, or He would help me immediately instead of leaving me hanging, so why should I continually humiliate myself begging for help from an uncaring God? I've finally discovered that, far from uncaring, God allows these times of troubles to teach us that our strength is in our weakness. (2 Cor. 12:10) This means that we are strongest when we realize our limitations, our true selves, and, like rational beings instead of hysterical ranters against fate, come to God and Christ as our Creator and Savior who knows, i.e. has experienced, our every heartache and trouble and so knows best how to help us. All too often I think I know the best solution or resolution to troubles, and God does not make that solution happen according to my planning. Then, if I can rise above my indignation and hurt pride that the problem was not resolved my way, I can look at the way it actually was resolved, and see that God has resolved it in a way that helps, encourages, and supports each individual involved. This has taught me to look outside of myself; even when I think I am already considering others first and me second, I discover that there is still more "looking outside of myself" that can be done. It's a Mystery.
Now that Great Lent is imminent, we will be facing inner struggles and, often, outward problems, and sometimes even personal or family crises. These trying times seem to come during this time of year when our spiritual struggle is intensified. During the coming weeks, it might be good to remember to be stubbornly persistent, as a little child stubbornly pesters its father, in our prayers.
This past Sunday, 17 Feb 2008, was the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee. This is the first week of the Triodion, and the first week that we Orthodox prepare for Great Lent, which is itself a preparation for the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yesterday I was going to post something appropriately profound, but just couldn't muster up the energy. You see, I've had the 'flu for a week or so. So, once again, I find myself less than prepared for what some might call the second holiest of seasons of the Liturgical year. Holy Week and Pascha, of course, being the holiest season. During this week we are reminded that only sincere repentance is acceptable, and we're just fooling ourselves if we go through the motions perfectly without an effort at interior change. During this week we are reminded that "The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart -- these, O God, shalt Thou not despise." (Psalm 50/51) During this week we begin our attempt to be more aware of ourselves and our habit of making excuses for ourselves and discounting our bad habits. "Everybody does this, so it's not so bad." During this week we re-learn how to say, "Lord, have mercy!"
This morning we had some snow flurries here in north central Alabama. The local meteorologist is (tongue in cheek) calling it a "flizzard." It was only a dusting that stayed on fallen leaves and logs only, but it was a nice change. My chickens seemed happy about it.
My throat is sore. I was hoping it was just dry from sleeping with my mouth open because of stuffiness from allergies, but I'm afraid it's not. I think I just may have caught my husband's illness. He has been ill for a week, actually took off from work last Wednesday (unheard of for him), and he still feels ill, but much better. I guess I'm in for it now. I hate being sick. I am not a nice person when I am sick. Well, practice in patience and endurance coming my way it seems.
(P.S. It seems this blog looks better in Opera or Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.)
OK, this is my SECOND post for the day, so anyone reading this be sure to scroll down and read the more interesting one below this one. I just HAD to post this, though, when I saw it on another person's blog on OC.
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Exalted Highness Duchess Suzanne the Profuse of Throcking by Hampton Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
Here's the link to get your own "Aristocratic Title" if a link isn't included in the embed code. If you don't like the title you get first, just run your name through again for another title--one for your every mood! What fun! or
Have fun today; it's sunny and bright, and the temperature is just right!
Lately I've been wondering what people blog about and why some blogs attract a lot of readers while others barely attract one or two. I've read several blogs over the past couple of months and it seems that the best read blogs discuss current or social events. Something I take notice of, but I'm not a reporter, nor is this venue a journalistic source. Other blogs that have a fair amount of regular readers blog about their personal lives; what their kids are doing, what's going on with the hubster's job, what's going on in their Church or Church life. Well, that's fine and good, and it's helped me learn that my life is not all that different, but I don't think my children (who are all grown and married now) would appreciate having their lives spread over a public forum, nor would they like having their adorable children's pictures posted. That's probably been one of the hardest for me. I certainly have a LOT to brag about with my children; and my grandchildren are, of course, the cutest, smartest, and best grandkids in the world; and I'd love to share all this. However, who might read this? Right now I know of only maybe 3 people who read this blog, but who else might find it?
The past year for me has been horrific; and it has followed four stressful and emotion-wracking years. So, I guess you could say that those previous four years culminated in the horror of the past 12 months. Because of this I've probably posted some lame stuff and some "personal growth" stuff that's not very interesting. I've also backed off a lot just because of this very thing. But spring is here again, and I feel that this next 12 months will be the best I've had in years. I certainly hope so. I've had enough family problems and stress to last me another decade. Actually, this past decade has been harder than the decade before that.
For a while I was blogging almost daily on Yahoo 360, but that just sort of petered out. There I blogged a lot about the seasonal changes going on in the woods behind my house, with pictures. Maybe I'll get back to that. In fact, I do have an exciting (to me) natural development going on in my front "yard" (about an acre in size) right now. We've noticed a very fresh animal burrow located about two feet from where we are intending to put a greenhouse. If you live in the city, your eyes might not be able see it, being accustomed to sidewalks, buildings, trees growing from neat circles in the sidewalks, manicured lawns; but this burrow is easily at least 12" wide and who knows how deep? I'm not sticking my hand down there. It's big enough to accommodate a fox, an armadillo, or a groundhog, all of which live around here. This is mid February, which indicates that whatever dug this burrow is most likely a pregnant female making a den for her coming young. This will be so exciting to watch! I'm sure, though, that early in March when we have the workers come in to lay down a foundation for the greenhouse, that she will be frightened off. I just hope that that time will not hurt her coming brood, whatever animal she is. I will certainly make a point of watching at dawn and dusk to see what animal is there. I'm always up at dawn and dusk, anyway, taking care of my chickens. I am so excited about this!
Besides the new animal burrow, I saw a deer as I was opening up the chicken house this morning at about 6 a.m. (I was late.) It was just on the other side of the poultry yard fence in the woods browsing. What a way to start the morning!
This past week the hawks have come back. They seem to come in about three year cycles. I hypothesize that they have a rotating feeding range. They've been soaring over my woods and watching my chickens, who have not been happy about their return. Yesterday, as I was driving down County Hwy 160, a red tailed hawk flew right in front of the car! I almost hit it, since it was so focused on something across the road it didn't see my car coming until it was about six feet from crashing into my windshield in spite of me applying the brakes and trying not to wander into the oncoming traffic or go into the ditch to the right. It veered off just in time. What a sight!
More good news: after about six months of no eggs at all from my aging chickens, I found TWO EGGS yesterday evening when I locked up the chickens! I'm so happy about that! Now my grandson can have "real eggs," sans antibiotics, sans growth hormones, for his breakfast again. I've "placed an order" to a local breeder for six more pullets this spring/early summer, so if my current old girls go back to laying, even just a few of them, on a regular or even semi-regular basis, I'll have eggs again by next fall! No more insipid store-bought eggs! Yay!
You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around. ^_^