I was browsing blogs this evening and was introduced through Meg's Muttonings blog to a new (to me) blog written by Emma, a young woman who says in her profile that she is "trying to create a peaceful and lovely life for my sweet family!" Her blog is called "Charming the Birds from the Trees," which in itself is intriguing. Once a week she dedicates a blog to a Commitment to Loveliness. She describes it this way: "This is a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in our lives each week without even trying! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!" This sounds like something I would like to try; it's easy enough, and "easy" gets done more in my life than "not easy." So, on the eve of my trip to Florida to see my daughter, her husband, and my granddaughter, I presume to make a list of Lovely things I can include in my life during the next week. I'll probably have to wait until next week to start this, though, after I get back from Florida.
1. I will take just a few minutes at least every day to sit outside (weather permitting) just to listen to the quiet and soak up the peace of my pine woods.
2. I will read something beautiful and uplifting, like a short poem or a good story, every day instead of all the (bad) news of the world.
3. I will make an effort each day to get back into painting, even if it's just uncluttering my "painting room" or finding a subject.
4. I will listen to some nice music for a while instead of spending so much time on the computer.
5. I will send a cheerful e-card or message to a lonely or sick friend each day.
There, we'll see what gets done and what doesn't get done.
If anybody reads my blog, and decides to try this, too, please link to this blog and to Emma's in your post.
Awesome commitments! I love Matushka Emma's blog.